All GP appointments are now accessed via Anima.

Klinik to Anima - St James Medical Centre

Anima is our online access system that allows us to prioritise patient requests according to clinical need, and ensure patients are receiving the most appropriate care when it is needed by the most suitable clinician.

By using this system online, you can avoid queuing on the telephone and free the lines for those patients who are unable to access the internet. 
Your request will be submitted confidentially and be assessed by a clinician.  You will then receive communication from us detailing the plan that has been put in place.  This could include advice on how to manage your symptoms, details on an alternative service that may better suit your needs (such as minor injury unit or pharmacy) or details of an appointment if this has been booked for you.

Our reception team will continue to manage all requests that do not require prior assessment such as nursing appointments.  Follow up appointments which have been requested by a GP can also be booked directly.

Patients who are unable to use our online system can of course continue to use the telephone if they wish.  Our Reception team will go through the same online form with you and submit the request on your behalf. 

For patients attending the surgery in person, our team will make every effort to assist and ensure confidentiality, but will again need to ask you the same questions and submit the online form on your behalf.

We would encourage all patients who are able to submit their request online to do so.  Many patients find that completing the online form themselves is considerably quicker and this allows our team to help those patients with no internet access or need additional support. 

All doctors appointments are 10 minutes in duration so please be mindful of this when making your appointment request and during your consultation.